Super Duty Fire Brick

Super duty fire brick is very hard, dense and durable refractory bricks. It is made of materials such as high purity alumina and silicate. Then, we sinter it through a special formula and high-temperature sintering process. Super refractory bricks can withstand higher temperatures, often reaching over 1700℃(3092℉).

  • Price Advantage: located in Xinmi, the hometown of refractory materials, with abundant resources and affordable prices.
  • After-Sales Advantage: one-on-one tracking service; technical support provided by the chief engineer.
  • Supply Advantage: customized bricks are delivered from the kiln in 3-7 days and standard bricks are shipped directly from stock.

Performance of Super Duty Fire Brick

We typically use it in conjunction with new light weight bricks to provide an excellent complete solution for refractory applications. Kerui Group’s super duty firebrick has the following characteristics:

  • High temperature resistance: it has extremely high temperature resistance and can withstand temperatures exceeding 1700℃(3092℉) or even higher.
  • Thermal shock resistance: it shows excellent thermal shock resistance and can withstand rapid temperature changes without cracking or damage.
  • Chemical resistance: strong resistance to acidic and alkaline slag, gas and other chemical substances.
  • High strength: maintain high mechanical strength and structural integrity under high temperature conditions.

Uses of Super Duty Fire Brick

Customers can use Kerui’s excellent high duty firebrick in a wide range of industrial equipment in extremely high temperatures and harsh environments. In addition, you can also learn about the parts of different industrial equipment corresponding to different refractory brick sizes on our YouTube channel.

  • Iron and steel industry: lining of high-temperature equipment such as blast furnaces, converters, and electric arc furnaces;
  • Glass industry: high temperature equipment such as glass melting furnaces and annealing furnaces;
  • Cement industry: high temperature areas of rotary kilns, coolers and other equipment;
  • Petrochemical industry: high-temperature equipment such as cracking furnaces and reactors;
Heat Treatment Equipment
  • Electric power industry: coal-fired power plant boilers and waste incinerators;
  • Ceramic industry: such as ceramic firing kilns and kiln cars;
  • Chemical industry: such as high temperature reactors and incinerators;
  • Nuclear industry: nuclear reactors and high-temperature furnaces for radioactive waste treatment;
  • Non-ferrous metal smelting: such as aluminum electrolytic cell and copper smelting furnace.

The Difference Between Super Duty Fire Brick and Ordinary Fire Brick

Super Duty Hardbrick


  • Usually made of high melting point materials such as high purity Al2O3, MgO and SiO;
  • Sometimes we also add ZrO2 to improve fire resistance.

Operating Temperature:

  • Suitable for extremely high temperature environments;
  • It is able to maintain stable performance at high temperatures above 1700℃(3092℉).

Ordinary Fire Brick


  • The main ingredients include ordinary aluminum oxide, silicon oxide and magnesium oxide;
  • Usually made of bauxite, clay and other refractories.

Operating Temperature:

  • Suitable for medium to high temperature environments;
  • Typically used in the 1000℃(1832℉) to 1700℃(3092℉) range.

Kerui Provides Flexible Customized Services

Personalized Design

  • Demand analysis:  understand the operating conditions, temperature range, chemical environment, etc. of customer equipment;
  • Scheme design: based on the analysis results, design the most suitable firebrick size and material combination;
  • Simulation testing: such as the use of advanced simulation tools to conduct testing and optimize design solutions.

Diverse Material Selection

  • Material recommendation: recommend the most suitable refractory materials based on the customer’s application environment. Moreover, it includes high alumina brick, zirconium corundum brick, magnesia chrome brick, calcium silicon board, etc.;
  • Material combination: provide multiple material combination options to enhance the comprehensive performance of refractory bricks;
Physical Test

Precision Manufacturing

  • Advanced equipment: such as use modern production equipment to ensure high-precision manufacturing;
  • Quality control: such as strict quality control process to ensure product consistency and reliability;
  • Customized production: flexibly adjust production techniques and processes according to customer needs.

Comprehensive Technical Support

  • Design consultation: such as provide professional design suggestions and technical consultation;
  • Installation guidance: provide high duty firebrick installation guidance to ensure correct installation and use;
  • Maintenance support:  provide maintenance suggestions and technical support after the use of super duty hardbrick to extend their service life.
Kerui Chemical Laboratory


You can buy high quality super duty fire brick from Kerui Refractory Suppliers at low cost. Furthermore, this enables the construction of mechanically strong and thermal shock resistant kiln linings for your project. Besides, if you require a specific grade, finish, or different shape, please contact us directly for a custom quote.

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