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How Refractory Bricks Are Made

How refractory bricks are made? Refractory bricks are usually made from refractory raw materials through batching, shaping and roasting. Therefore, these fire bricks can withstand high temperatures and chemical corrosion without cracking or deformation.

Introduction of Refractory Bricks

Refractory bricks are simply bricks that can withstand combustion and high temperatures. Its refractoriness is around 1700℃(3092℉). Kerui can make refractory firebricks for different purposes according to the raw materials used. Besides, we can also make high temperature fire bricks of different shapes according to the parts used.

How to Make Refractory Brick?

Making refractory bricks requires a series of complex process steps. Do you know how to make refractory brick every step of the way? Below are the detailed steps.

Raw Material and Mixing

The components of the raw material are Al2O3, SiO2 and MgO. Besides, we also add kaolin as a binding agent. Then, mix the raw materials with water until you reach a paste mixture.


We then use machines to shape it into brick form through various methods such as pressing or molding. Additionally, we need to dry the formed bricks to remove excess moisture.


After shaping, we dry the bricks to remove residual moisture. This is usually done in a controlled environment, gradually raising the temperature to prevent cracking or warping.


We need to sinter bricks to improve their strength and fire resistance. The temp ranges from 1200°C(2192℉) to 1800°C(3272℉), depending on the composition of the large firebrick.


After sintering is completed, the kiln gradually cools to room temperature. We need to strictly control the cooling rate to prevent thermal shock and maintain the integrity of the refractory bricks.


We package and store the firebricks of qualified quality properly. Generally speaking, common packaging methods include wrapping in plastic film or stacking bricks on wooden pallets.

Why are Refractory Bricks Fire-Resistant?

High Melting Point Substances

Refractory bricks are usually made of materials with high melting points, such as Al2O3, SiO2 and MgO. Such as silica refractory. So, these high melting point substances allow high temp firebricks to maintain structural stability at extremely high temperatures without melting or softening.

Chemical Resistance

The composition and structure of high heat bricks make them resistant to chemical attacks. For example, alumina has good acid resistance, while silica resists alkaline attack. This allows the refractory bricks to resist erosion or dissolution when faced with acidic or alkaline environments.

Thermal Shock Resistance

Refractory bricks maintain their integrity under drastic temperature changes. This is because the structure of fire bricks is able to absorb and disperse heat, reducing stress caused by temperature differences. That is to say, this reduces the risk of cracking of the refractory bricks.

Low Thermal Conductivity

Furthermore, high temperature bricks generally have low thermal conductivity and are effective at insulating. Therefore, this makes them ideal insulating materials. These features of it can reduce heat conduction and loss and maintain stability in high-temperature environments.


The above is an introduction to the complete steps of how to make a refractory brick and the excellent properties of the refractory bricks of Kerui Refractory. If you have any demand for refractory bricks, please feel free to leave a message on our official website.

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